How a felt critter takes shape!
Creating a Critter usually starts with pipe cleaners!
I use a dense raw wool fiber for wrapping around the pipe cleaner frame.
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Step 1
Creating a Critter usually starts with pipe cleaners! I use a dense raw wool fiber for this.

Step 2
A frame or skeleton is made using 5 -6 pipe cleaners then wool fiber is wrapped and needled around the frame

Step 3
The body and limbs are built up over several layers - needling each layer in between wrapping the next around.

Step 4
Tail, limbs, feet, jaw shapes are all added and needled into shape, adding more fiber where needed..

Step 5
Now I can start to wrap the final colored coat around the body. I am using a mixture of purple merino and silk fiber which gives a lovely soft and shiny texture

Step 6
Now you can see the Dino's head, jaw, mouth, nostrils, taking shape

Step 7

Step 8
Lastly I used a contrast merino fiber to create a belly and accented it with strands of the purple fiber

Step 9
9.Voila one Dinosaur!

Step 10
Voila one Dinosaur!